ANIMAL CROSSING BLOG Blogging Website Layout

Hello again!!! Apologies for the late entry, I just needed some more time to focus on the doodles for this entry hehe. I've been suuper inconsistant with how I'm doing these drawings, I need to decide how I wanna draw mayor Ryoma XD It's been fun going back to a more simple style with a rounded brush, even though my lines are super shaky hehe

Anyways, the week started off with Club LOL opening!!! Dr. Shrunk is such a fun npc and I am still so sad he's not in New Horizons :'(

There were some...interesting interactions while Ryoma visited the museum.

We had a few strange villagers stay in the campsite. Yeah dude, I do not believe you XD

And after another particularly bad campsite interaction, Gruff has been banned from ever returning to Seaglass ever again.

K.K. Slider finally came though!!! The first K.K. song Ryoma got was K.K. Groove, not a bad first song :D

I also decided I wanted to recreate Ryoma's DRS outfit! I'm still not great with the customization tools in ACNL but I think I'm not too bad either :P

Klaus brought up the word "shawty" and made a small mistake...

But!!! We finally got the cafe + Brewster!!! I'm not sure if I put it in the right place but oh well :')

To close out this week's entry, some small decor! I've been lacking on the home decor, but I decided to make a little living room area! It's a work in progress, but I think it's neat (also featuring the balloon dog from day one hehe)

I'm still trying to get my footing for this, and I'm debating switching to a two-week update schedule (since this entry was comically short XD). Thanks again for reading this silly blog :P !!!

Second week in the town of Seaglass, yippee!!! This entry isn't going to be as long as the first one, especially since this week was a bit of a busy one for me :'0 Anyways, we had a new villager move in: Butch the dog!!!

Flurry did...did you lose your bathtub?

We had a campsite villager!!! Hello Teddy!

You bet he's fast Sterling >:D

Klaus gave some...interesting insights. Which could mean nothing.

And Klaus refuses to be subtle...


Anyways...Progress on Club LOL has started!

Klaus is actually giving some good advice!!! At first I wasn't sure about him but...he's actually pretty interesting (as shown here...hehe)!

I wonder if Punchy is just using cotton candy as soap...I worry about him sometimes.

And to finish off the week, T&T mart is here!!! The first of many upgrades >:3c

Thank you for reading through this (pretty short) entry! I was a bit too busy this week to do more doodles, but hopefully I'll have more time to get more done for next week's entry!

Welcome to the first entry in this Animal Crossing: New Leaf blog! This entry of Animal Crossing has always been held close to my heart (and I personally prefer it to New Horizons) so I've always wanted to make a town dedeicated to Ryoma! I've actually made a few towns in the past that I just wasn't able to commit too due to my irl obligations, but since fleshing out this site I thought I might as well go for it once again :D

I'm planning on playing this town long-term, and reaching as close to 100% as possible. Since a lot of items were only obtainable through Spotpass and/or were specific to a reigon or store (like the 7-11 collab), it is pretty much impossible right now to 100% New Leaf without hacking :(

I've tried a buuunch of cataloging software and tactics to monitor my progress but...I kept getting discouraged due to the huuuge amount of cool items I would never be able to get (COUGH COUGH RAINBOW SCREEN COUGH COUGH), but I decided to physically catalog my town progress! How? By using the Kanpeki Guide Book for New Leaf pubished by Enterbrain! This guide was released in 2012, so it doesn't include any of the Spotpass items! However, it doesn't include the Welcome Amiibo update items either...Well, we'll get to that when we get to that, for now this is going to be my main method of tracking how close to completion I am!

To quickly sum up my past with Animal crossing: New Leaf wasn't my first Animal Crossing was Pocket Camp! A friend recommended it to me when it first released, and while I wasn't interested at first...But I saw a villager that looked super close to Ryoma and I knew I had to play it. Punchy the lazy cat villager. I mean, the similarities are there! Round and lidded eyes, large pupils, the little :3 face, I'm not crazy I swear! Anyways, when I did finally download Pocket Camp I ended up loving it so much I got a 3DS a few years later with a copy of New Leaf. Recently, I finally completed my collection of all the main Animal Crossing games! I adore all the games but New Leaf always has a special place in my heart.

Anyways, sorry for the huuuge text-dump, I just like yapping hehe. I started this town on June 23rd, my birthday! I think it's super cool how my birthday is just one week before Ryoma's, it feels like a super birthday >:D I created this town after spending the day at a beach a few hours from where I live, so I decided to name this town Seaglass - after the little sea glass I collected while I was there! I was admittedly having some troubles coming up with a good name for this town, bouncing from direct references to flower symbolism, but when I remembered the beautiful blue color that sea glass often comes in I decided on that name! Silly as it may be, I'd like to imagine this town has some sea glass too :)

So after a train ride with everyone's favorite passenger kitty cat, Ryoma finally arrived in the town of Seaglass.

I SWEAR I screamed when I saw Punchy, what are the odds?! Plus, Bruce and Sterling are really cool too!

When placing Ryoma's house, I decided to place it next to the waterfall! I love the waterfalls in this game, plus the location is close to Re-Tail! I'm really happy I got a layout that has it close to the dock, it'll make selling island beetles much easier!

And it was off to the tree ceremony!!!!! One of my favorite features in New Leaf has to be the town tree, it's so cool! You can visually see your progress outside of town decoration, which I really appreciate even as someone who likes to pretty up my Animal Crossing towns.

Then, he was off! The first down payment was completed that day, along with all of the Isabelle tasks to get the watering can. He even took down a balloon present with only the net, and a balloon dog was inside!

So, to get the development permit asap, Ryoma was on the move!

We even had a new villager move in, meet Flurry!

After we finally got that permit and started to shape the town! I selected the Night Owl ordinance (cause I tend to stay up a bit hehe) and started work on the campsite. Tortimer even came to visit!

The first time it rained in Seaglass I noticed that...Punchy, Sterling, and Bruce all have blue umbrellas. The same blue umbrella. Is this normal??? I can't find sources of what umbrellas each villager have, so idk if this is a default umbrella or what!

No time to think about that, Katrina's in town!

And...Punchy showed off his incredible sense of smell.

This day had some...unfortunate references...

BUT with that last one Ryoma DID get a pikmin hat.

Then, Cherry the dog moved in...

...and the campsite was finished!

And the next day, we have our first campsite villager: Bones!

We have some new NPC interactions!

Along with a new villager friend, Klaus!

And a very fitting gift was given to Sterling...

But later that day...AHHH DOUBLE RAINBOW!!! I was so hyped when I saw it :D

Some of the villagers had some unique dialogue related to it!!! This was super cool to see :D

Finally, today Punchy brought Ryoma to a surprise birthday party with Sterling and Bruce! All wearing blue party hats, naturally.

So this concludes the first week in Seaglass!!! I know that this post was suuuper long, so thank you if you read through the whole thing! I'll be updating this blog weekly, and entries will absolutely be shorter than this one X'D